Professional Photography

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Professional Photography

Nashoba Valley Winery is a popular, much-loved setting for taking pictures in areas open to the public.   We ask that you be mindful of the desire of other customers for privacy.  Photography by our customers for personal use while visiting the use and not-for-profit is allowed without a permit.  

Photo Shoots  $50 for 120-minute shoot time.
To schedule a photo session, please read the following rules, and if they are acceptable,  e-mail with the date and time that you wish to reserve your session.  Please email us at least 4 days prior to the photo session.  Sessions are only offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between the hours of 11 am and 5 pm.  We do not offer sessions on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday due to other commitments.  When we received your email, if the date and time is acceptable, you will receive an invoice for $50.  Once paid, you will receive a notice of payment which is proof of your reservation.  If the date and time are not acceptable, you will be notified by email.

Why a fee?
While our farm, vineyard, and orchard are beautiful, they can also pose a danger when people wish to take pictures in areas generally off-limits to the public.  We need to coordinate with you and your photographer, what areas might have been sprayed with pesticides and therefore not safe to enter or areas that might be in the process of renovation or tilling.  We also need to make sure that your session does not conflict with other schedules or other events that we may be hosting and review with your photographer the area that he or she wishes to use.  Sessions can only be scheduled for times that the winery is open to the public.  Each session is for a 120-minute period of time.  


Lighting equipment that requires cords and external power sources or outside props cannot be used without prior permission.
Mini shoots are not permitted.
No climbing on vineyard trellis wires or posts, no climbing stone walls, no climbing trees.
All commercial photography must take place outdoors without disturbance to other customers
Photographers must stay with their props at all times.
No trampling, picking, or collecting flowers, leaves, or grapes. 
Vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces. 
All photographers must check-in.
Areas cannot be reserved, and photography does not take priority over other visitor activities. Visitors are free to use any area at any time.
Nashoba may not issue permits for certain dates when photography sessions would interfere with scheduled events.
Commercial Photography
Stock and commercial photography requires advance arrangements and a different fee structure. Projects involving commercial or stock photography (such as photos taken for publications, catalog shoots, commercials, professional videos, and the like) should contact to discus commercial use policies and locations agreements.

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